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03. School Life's Six--Fold International Teaching And Learning Plan For Nu-Living:

Nuzion Nation Community Development Plan

01. Nuzion Nation Community Expression


Praise Concepts For Glorious Fellowship in Worship Life


Tropical Wedding

02. Nuzion Nation Community Organization


Residential Concepts For Decency and Order In Home Life


Outdoor Cafe in Europe

03. Nuzion Nation Community Implementation


Scholastic Concepts To Exceed Excellence in School Life


Family Fishing

04. Nuzion Nation Community Operation


Occupational Concepts For Professional Readiness in Work Life


Working from a Cafe

05. Nuzion Nation Community Elevation


Healthy Concepts For Three-Dimensional Healing in Health Life


Food Market Crowd

06. Nuzion Nation Community Accomodation


Recreational Concepts For Fun Festivities in Social Life


Friends at Barbeque

Establishing A Resourceful And Supportive Community...

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